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As We All Know, It's Our Food That Causes A Lot Of Our Cancers To Grow. GMO'S And The FDA Are Not Your Friend. There Are Fluoride Problems As Well. In The Water, And In Your Toothpaste.

"So I Wondered, Are We Born With Cancer? I Found Out It's Pretty Rare.
Can newborns get cancer?
Cancer May Pass From Pregnant Mom to Baby. Researchers say rare cases of mothers' cancer cells in infants have been reported over the last 100 years, which has suggested the possibility that cancer cells may be passed from mother to infant. But until now it had not been confirmed genetically.

Can a baby be born with cancer?
A: Yes babies can be born with cancer, but it is rare thank goodness. Sometimes it is treatable. I have seen cases where surgery is done while still in the womb. This cannot be done at just any hospital though.

So We Are NOT Born With It. How Do We Get Cancer? Doesn't It Seem Like Almost Anything We Eat, Drink, Or Breath, Can Give Us Cancer?

This Is How Evil BAYER Pharmaceuticals And The United States Can Be.
It's All About PROFITS


As I Mentioned, It's The Food They Spray And Some Products We Use As Well. One Of The Worst Drugs They Have Been Giving Us Since We Were Kids Is Fluoride. We All Know It's In The Water. My Kids Went To The Dentist Like Clockwork. Each Had The Fluoride "Drops" From The Dentist Office, To "Help" Their Teeth. Each Brushed With FluorideToothpaste. Each Now An Adult And Complaining To Me Of Losing Teeth Or Having Gum Issues. I Have Since Changed Toothpaste Brands But The Damage Is Done. Hoping My Grand Kids Will Fair Better. I'd Suggest You Consider Changing Your Brand To Non Fluoride.


Tooth Paste Dangers

Sodium Fluoride Is The Leading Cause Of Cancer In The US - VIDEO

But Fluoride Seems To Be The Least Of Our Problems. Out Food Supply Is Really The Worst Offender Of Cancer. Water, Food, Milk, Meat, What Is Safe Anymore? GMO's Or Genetically Modified Organism Foods That Many Believe Help Increase Cancer In Us All. 

All These Countries Banned Or Labeled Their GMO Products,  I'm Sure They Had A Good Reason. So, Is The Answer As To Why We Don't Ban Or Label GMO's Michael R Taylor?
Now With The FDA. The FDA Is The First Agency That Regulate GMO's.
The Other Two Are The EPA & USDA

"The American Cancer Society (ACS) has stated that there’s no evidence to
link GMO food intake to an increased or decreased risk of cancer."

So The American Cancer Society, Or Rockefeller, Says There Is No Evidence

To Link GMO Food To Increase Or Decrease Risk Of Cancer. First Red Flag,
That "Evidence" Is From Rockefeller. The Second Red Flag?
It's From Rockefeller.

Farmageddon - The Truth About The Food & Dairy Industry

"Farmamageddon Highlights The Urgency Of Food Freedom, Encouraging Farmers And Consumers Alike To Take Action To Preserve Individuals Rights To Access Food Food Of Their Choice And Farmers Rights To Produce Theses Foods Safety And Free From Unreasonably Burdensome Regulations. The Film Serves To Put Policy Makers And Regulators On Notice That There Is A Growing Movement Of People Aware That There Freedom To Choose The Foods They Want Is In Danger, A Movement That Is Taking Action With It's Dollars And It's Voting Power To Protect And Pressure The Dwindling Number Of Family Farms That are Struggling To Survive."

 "I'll Add That In Maine, Two Years Ago, This Was On Our Ballot. I Sat There And Wondered Why
 We Needed A Law To Grow Vegetables? I Guess That Questions Been Answered. We Voted
 For The Farmers." 

Meat & Dairy Cause Cancer

GMO - Ticking Time Bomb - Part One

Click The Banner For Organic Lifestyle Magazine - Link

GMO - Ticking Time Bomb - Part Two

GMO - Ticking Time Bomb - Part Three

Your Milk On Drugs - Just Say No

How Safe Is Your Water?

This Is The Safe Costly Water



Microwave Ovens Cause Cancer



  Just A Small Disclaimer: I Am Not A Dr. I Am Giving You Information I Have Researched So That You Can Be Better Informed Of The "Other" Cancer Treatments Available. Please Do Your Own Research As Well.  Thanks...

