Biden Crime Family
Barry Obama
Jan 6th

I.R.S. & Audits
Cancer Cures
Ivermectin - Buy
Wellness Videos
Spike Protein


Personally, I'm Tired Of Finding Out These "Conspiracies" Are True.
I Never Was A Conspiracy Theorist. We All Knew The Kennedy
Assassination Was Questionable. Now We Know The Truth About The
C.I.A. And Their Connection To It.... 50 Years Later. The Internet Has
Opened Up The Truth, To A Lot Of The Past Questions We Have Had.
Many Things We Were Told Were "True" We Find Later, They Lied To Us.
We Shouldn't Have To Question Everything.. But We Do.

I Started This Page Looking Into Cloud Seeding.
I Do End Up There.
How They Used The Same Technology, Using Different Frequencies,
At Different Levels, To Achieve A Use For Different "Inventions."

We Have Been Told That Frequencies Can Now Help Heal Us.
A Lot Of New "Regenerated" Sites Have Opened Up All Over The U.S.
All Using LED Lights And Frequencies To Help People Heal.

But Before They Allowed Us To Know About Frequencies And Use It
For The Good Of The People, They Used It To Develop MK-ULTRA -
DEWS (Direct Energy Weapons) - And For WEATHER MANIPULATION.

We Are NOT The Only County That Uses H.A.A.R.P. To Manipulate The
Weather. However,We May Be The Only County That Uses It,
Against Their Own People.

In 1977 A Treaty Was Signed, Making It Illegal To Use H.A.A.R.P. Against
Other Countries. However, They Kept The Power To Use It DOMESTICALLY.

So, Knowing That They Could Use It Here, They Built It In Alaska.
They Had To Try It, To Determine How To Use It Correctly. I'm Also
Betting That Trying To "Get It Down", May Have Led To Many Storms And
Weather Related Issues, People Couldn't Explain At The Time.

Have They Got It Down Yet? I Believe After 50 Years Of Attempting
To Improve It, They Probably Have.

Once They Got It Down, I Also Believe They Made It Movable.

Instead Of Helping The Flooded Areas, Or Steering Hurricanes Out To Sea,
  It Seems To Be Used To Affect Crops, Or To Destroy Cities Or Towns.

Is Every Weather Related Disaster Related To H.A.A.R.P?
Probably Not.

Could They Change The Path Of These Weather Disasters?
I Believe They Could.


EMF - Patents

Should You Be Worried About EMF Exposure? - LINK


Starting Small And Working Towards Greater Understanding
Of Frequencies And Vibrations, They Started At MK-Ultra.


January 25th, 2000


MU-ULTRA - Survivor

High Frequencies Active Auroral Research Program

 It Then Progressed To Alaska.
Using Frequencies And Vibrations In A Larger Scale.
Where They Produced H.A.A.R.P.

Jessie Ventura Looked Into HAARP, 40 Years Ago In 1983

Holes In Heaven

This Vibrations & Frequencies Were Being Used By The Oil Companies,
To Shoot Into The Earth, Trying To Find Oil Locations.
Until The Military Stepped In And Took It From Them To
Use To Develop Defensive Weapons. Knowing  H.A.A.R.P. Is More
Than 40 Years Old. How Far Do You Think They Got?

History Channel

H.A.A.R.P. Caught On Film

Lasers To Start Storms

2022 -Weather Patents

All Are PDF's

2025 - Owning The Weather In 2025 - 53 Pages

No Date: Climate Report - "Today's Climate Is Nothing Usual Compared To 100 Years Ago." - 3 Pages

March 2016
- Let It Rain Weather Modification In Europe,
USA, & China - 59 Pages

July 9, 2009 - Ecological Management, Systems - 22 Pages

April 4, 2000 - Solar Powered Airplane - 20 Pages

June 9, 1998 - Satellites Used To Modify Solar Radiation - 22 Pages

Dec 29, 1997 - Owning The Weather In 2025 -53 Pages

Dec 29, 1992 - Cloud Seeding - 3 - Pages

March 12, 1991 - Artificial Clouds Above The Earth - 5 Pages

Oct. 17, 1989 - Nuclear Size Explosions Without Radiation - 6 Pages

Sept 11, 1984
- Method And Means For Weather Modification - 6 Pages

July 12, 1977
- Method Of Controlling Communications Of Radio Wave Surveillance Systems By Partial Of Radio Wave. - 6 Pages

October 13, 1976 - National Weather Modification Policy Act - 44 Pages

November 16, 1976
- Counter Measure System For Laser Radiation - 4 Pages

March 5, 1974
- Weather Modification Process - 2 Pages

Dec. 20, 1965- Weather & Climate Modification - 158 Pages
March 1, 1927
- United States Patent - Process Of Producing Smoke
Clouds From Moving Aircraft - 4 Pages

May 1, 1934
- Airplane Spray Equipment -2 Pages

I Enlarged The Drawbacks, Which Was Important.

"Dozens Of Lenses And Mirrors Must Be Perfectly Aligned."

This Is Why They Wanted H.A.A.R.P. But They Had Too
Much Power. Scaling It Back Meant More "Inventions."

2009- ATL- Advanced Tactical Laser - LINK

Looks Like They Have Improved The Process Also.

High Energy Laser Weapons - How They Work - Link

After Reviewing The SBX-1 Video Coming Up Next, I Wondered If
This "Radar System" Was Being Used In Israel As Part Of The Iron Dome.


Looks Like They Don't Need An SBX-1 System.

What Made This Video Interesting, Is The Radar Detector They DO Use.
45 Miles Up And It Sees The Missals On Their Way.

So How Come We Need The SBX-1?

What If The SBX-1 Isn't A Radar Device,
But A Moveable H.A.A.R.P. Device?

Video Above Said We Start Storms
By Shooting Lasers Into The Sky.

SBX-1 - Sea Based Radar System


Here Is A Video Of The SBX. The Govt Tells Us It Is Used For
Defense. This System Relays Incoming Missal Information,
So Incoming Missals Can Be Shot Down.

This Is Why I Went To Check On The Iron Dome. Because, If
It's Radar For Incoming Missals, Why Wouldn't It Be There?
It Wasn't. What We Did Learn From The Iron Dome Video However,
Is Something This Large, Isn't Needed To Track Incoming Missals.
The Dome Does It 45 Miles Up.

SBX - Tour
The "Tour" Is An Explanation Of The Balls, Both Large And Small.
And Includes A Tour Of The Control Center. The Inside Of The Large
Ball, Is Explained In Video And No Inside Look Is Allowed.
They Tell Us It's An Information Data Collector, To Intercept Missals.
I Have Questions. Why Are There Smaller Balls Around The
Large One? They Look Like The Square Units Next To The Antenna's
In The HAARP Pictures Above, Except Round. The One Other Reason
I Question It Is... The Following Video.  

SBX-1 Or H.A.A.R.P.?

What Does The Large Ball Do?
How Does This Collect Information?

Note: While Checking On HAARP, I Ran Across A Website That Wasn't
In English. I Grabbed Some Pics And Then A Click Later, My Computer
Was Locked Up And I Was Told To Call A Number To Unlock It.
I Just Turned Off The Computer To Fix That Issue.
I Didn't Post The Link.

2019 & 2020 And The Word HAARP Is Seen In Each Article.

I Do NOT See The Word SBX-1 In The Articles.
I Don't Remember Hearing HAARP Mentioned, In The SBX Video.

I Believe, Once They Figured Out How To Shrink And Direct It,
They Made It "Moveable." If This Does What The Video Shows,
Imagine What This Does To Weather Forming Off Our Coasts?


While Making This Page I Looked At A Lot Of The Videos I Have.
One I Watched, Showed The Above H.A.A.R.P. Machine, Being
Dropped Into That Big White Ball. Perhaps The Inside Of The
Ball We Were Shown Was Empty? So Where's The Video?

It Was A Small Part Of A Full Video.
I'm Still Looking For It.
I'll Post It Once I Finally Find It


Next Generation Weather Radar - Link

Direct Energy Weapon System

I'm Adding These Subjects Only Because The Came From
The Birth Of H.A.A.R.P. Proving, Not Every Invention Was Used
For The First Intended Purpose. I Will Have The Subject Links On
The First Page, With Their Own Pages Soon.

Once They Figured Out How To Shrink And Direct It, They Made
It "Moveable." That Allowed Them To Attach It To Planes And Use
It For A New "Defensive" Weapon, Or Use It To Maybe To Set Fires,
Or Help Erupt Volcanoes. That Helps With The "Climate Change Agenda."


Are Forest Fires "Made"
As Part Of Climate Change

Aug 31, 2023 - Scotch Creek
I Found This Video Of What Looks Like Controlled Burning.

DEWS In Hawaii?

The Hawaii Videos - U-Tube - Link

Tornadoes & Hurricane Patents

Part Of Climate Change?

Provide Storm Protection For Profit.

How To Halt A Hurricane

Hurricanes In History - List

Archive Of Tropical Storms - List

Direct Energy Directed Into A Hurricane.

Part Of Climate Change?

Volcano Started By Dew

What If Your In A Desert, Like Dubai?
How Do You Make It Rain Without Clouds?
You Invent A Cloud Machine.

Cloud Machine

Sand Storms
Why Was This Invented?

Sun Simulators

Not Climate Change But Relevant.
What Do You Do When One Idea Doesn't Work Out?
Using Direct Energy Beam As A Weapon.

History Channel
"Rods Of God"

So This Idea They Say, Didn't Work Out.

What If You Could Take That Kind Of
Energy And Were Able To Control It's Destruction Power?

Rod Of God Or DEW?

Direct Energy Beam

The Media Are Not The Only Recipient.
Collages Also Get Grants To Study Climate Change.

This Website Is Also Linked To The Climate.gov


Just A Reminder, For Any "Climate Control" To Work, All Nations Must
Be In. China & Russia Are NOT In. So Why Are We?

China Pollution

Joe Rogan

Kuwait - Tire Graveyard

March 2016
The World





The Media Doing Their Part.

Drones For The Narrative

United Nations

United Nations


500 Scientist Send Letter Debunking UN

Most Of What I Have Posted So Far Seems To Show The Need
For Reflecting Pieces To Direct The Sun Rays Back To Itself,
Or To Hit The Enemy Targets.

PBS - Man Made Sunsets & Aerosol Cooling

Pilots & Chem Trails


Kristen Megan - Pilot 2014

Inside A Chem Plane







Chem Test

Elapse Time


Chem Trails

I See "Space Mirrors." Looks Like They Figured Out The
Reflection To Make This Work, As Well As The DEWS.


Chem Trails

Chem Trails


1996 - Fletcher Warned Us

Fletcher - Even Went To Congress



Water Effected

Direct Link To The Environment

Cloud Seeding

Wild Weather

Chem Trail Vs Com Trail

The Difference

Chem Trails - Have No Separation Between Trail And The Airplane.

Com Trails

Com Trails - Do Have Separation Of Their Trails And The Airplane


So Verify Tells Us Chem Trails Are Just Condensation And
Are Not Real. So We Should Disregard The Pilots Testimony,
The Patents Issued And The Video Evidence.

All The H.A.A.R.P.'s That They Have Around The World,
Heat Up The Atmosphere Every Time They Use Them.

 Remember The Hottest Summer Ever Recorded?
2023 - NASA Reveals 2023 Hottest Summer Ever - LINK
2021 - Weather Channel Reveals 2021 Hottest Summer Ever - LINK

Yet Somehow, Co2 Emissions Are At Fault.

How Come Climate Change Is OUR Fault?

Is There Even Climate Change Happening?

Many Scientists Debunk Climate Change. Many Celebrities Embrace It.
The Next Page Will Explain Both Points Of View
And Why We Are Told We Need To Also "Embrace" It.

W.E.F. - W.H.O. - United Nations - NATO - Elites

All Are Involved. The Documents Seem To Show
  An Agenda Of De-Population,  About Corralling Everyone
Into 15 Minute Cities. About Land Grabs And Control.

I Know... Pretty Far Fetched.

Take A Look Around Your Own Cities And Towns To
See The Changes Taking Place. My Streets Here Are Getting
Larger Sidewalks, Making More Narrow Streets. No Thought Of
Emergency Vehicles Having Access. We Cannot Pull Over For Them.
This Is For Electric Cars And Bikes. Gas Cars Will Be Gone.
This Goes Into Effect By 2050.
Programs Will Exist To Give Housing, Food, And You Will
Be Expected To Be Involved By Helping Your 15 Minute Community.

The Next Page Will Cover The Agenda, Including Their
Own Documents That Show Their Intentions.
How YOUR Carbon Footprint Will Be Used To
Control What You Spend, Buy Or Use.

THIS, Is What The Weather They Control, Will Be Used For.
Biden Gave Our Medical Rights Over To The World Health Organization.

The WHO Owns The Right To Lock Down The Planet
Using Climate Change As The Reason.

....And All I Wanted Was Info On Chem Trails.

I'm Working On This Next. By 6/2 Should Be Done.

The Agenda - WHO - WEF - United Nations - Scwhab 
Electric Cars - 15 Min Cities - Food - Carbon Taxes

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Put your news here.
