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Indictment N.Y.
Date Filed:
Arraigned Date:
Charges: Below


Trial Date: April 15, 2024
Charges: Below
  Found Guilty - Sentence - July 11, 2024
Appeal Date -

Trump - Guilty

BRAGG Speaks

  What's Reporter Gets Schooled

Bragg Has Asked For A Delay While He Looks At Additional Evidence Against Trump.
He Asks For 30 Days So The Defense Can Look at 31,000 Pages Of New Documents,
From The United States Attorney's Office.  Bragg Says Only 172 Pages Are Relevant.
The Judge Is Allowing Both Cohan And Daniels To Testify. 

Trial Date: April 15th, 2024

I'll Post Updates Here

This May Help Explain Brag's Charges.
Hush Money To Doorman
Hush Money To Unidentified Woman
Hush Money To Ms. Daniels.

Using Checks Made Out And Signed By Trump To Prove His Charges.
Falsifying His Ledgers By Listing The Check Payments As A "Retainer" To Cohan.
  Payroll State Tax, Federal Banking Violations, Embezzlement, & Sex Crimes

Why Does Bill Clinton Come To Mind?

Trial Date: April 15th, 2024

34 Counts Of Falsifying Business Records In The First Degree.

  Some Stems From Payments To Stormy Daniels.

Important To Understand, Trump Admits To Paying Her. Everyone Does It.
The Charge Was, Using Contributions From His Campaign To Pay Her.
This Letter Disputes That Fact.

The Election Commission Also Found Nothing Wrong

Trump Explains Payments Made To Cohen

BC-696568 - Avenatti Vs Trump

18-CVSJM-02217 - Civil Minutes

Restraining Order Against Ms Daniels


The Plan Was, Trump Never Sign Any Documents, Cohan Handled Everything.
So Stormy Just Sued Him Again.
Michael Avenatti, Her Attorney, Ended Up In Prison..

Bragg's Case Faces Hurdles Including The Statute Of Limitations, A Questionable Key Witness
In The Former Trump Fixer Michael Cohen, And Some Untested Legal Theories.

This Case Is On Hold And Has Not Gone Away. I Suspect Bragg Was Counting On Getting
The Right Judge, Like In The James Case.

