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"A Mysterious Suspect Planted Two Pipe Bombs At The RNC And DNC DC
Headquarters. The Bombs Were Safety Denoted By A Bomb Squad On Jan 6th."


"FBI Whistle-Blower Kyle Seraphin Reported In May That The Technicians Who Worked On The Program Told Him The Devices Were Inoperable."

"The FBI Used The Security Camera Footage From The Northern Virginia Metro Stop To Identify The License Plate Of The Car Associated With The Suspect. However, The FBI Has Yet To Identify The Subject, Despite These Leads."

"Now, There Are Reports That The Operative Who Planted The "Bombs" Is A Former Government Official - But The FBI Refused To Interview That Person!"

The Video Shows Them Sitting In Their Unmarked Car...Waiting.

As You Watch The Videos, We Now Know The FBI Knew The Suspect's Name Through His License Plate And His Metro Card. We Also Know He Lives In
Northern Virginia, Which Makes Me Wonder.. Maybe He Didn't Know The Area That Well And Needed Help. He Looks At His Phone All
The Time, He Doubles Back, Like He Wasn't Sure Of The Route, And.. The Glasses, The Up On Toes, The Looking Across The Street.

Was He Looking For The Person Texting Him The Route?
After He Looks Across The Street, He Doubles Back, Where He Came.

License Plate, Metro Card, 37 Minutes Before Evacuations, Knew For 15 Minutes That The RNC Also Had A "Bomb." They Offered A 500 Hundred Thousand Dollar  Reward For The "Bomber." They Knew The "Bombs" We NOT Lethal But Allow The Media To Report That They Were.

Someone Needs To Answer Some Questions.

Do I Believe They Got

"Lucky" And Found A Video Of A Guy Who
Just Took A Walk With A Back Pack Or...
Is This The FBI Laying The Narrative?

The FBI Found EVERYONE On Jan 6th
But No Idea About This Guy?
Probably Because... It's Their Guy.

As You Watch These Videos
Keep An Eye On The Number Of Times He Looks At His Phone.

This Is The PRISM Program

It's A Surveillance Program
Do You Use Any Of Their Providers?

We All Do.

The Content Type They Collect Includes IM, E-Mail And More.

All You Need To Know About PRISM

P.R.I.S.M. Stands For:
Planning Tool For Research Integration, Synchronization And Management

PRISM Has Been Used At Least Twice That We All Know Of.
Once By 2000 Mules, Who Were Able To Track Phones Of The Mules.
And On January 6, The Govt. Used It To Find Patriots.

Using PRISM, On The Date And Time Of That "Suspect"
Would Work. You Scan The Area Using The Date and Time,
and Pin Point The Bench, And The Phone's Number.
Then You Trace The Owner.
If They Wanted To Catch Him.. They Could.
If They Wanted To Show You Video Of The Complete
Walk Of The Suspect, They Could.

And Remember... If They Wanted To Show Us How He Doubled Back,
Then Placed The "Bomb" Under The Park Bench.
They Could... But They Won't.

Lets Start Off With The MSM Narrative.
Placement Of The "Bombs" Was 7:30 - 8 PM

What Is Important To Notice Is
The "Double Back" To Place The "Bomb" At The DNC.

No Video Of Him Going Back To Place The "Bomb."

Lot's Of "Space" With No Video.

Also Important. Watch Him Look At His Phone.
Like It's Leading Him Around.
He's Wearing Gloves.

Video 1
There Are NO Videos Of Him Placing The "Bombs."

I Believe That's For A Reason.
If This Fake Scenario Gets Called Out, You Cannot Say They Planted Them.
Because... There Is No Video Proof.

This Video Also Doesn't Show The Whole Route He Took. There Seems To Be Parts Missing. It's Washington DC. There Are Camera's Everywhere.

  Video 2

Here's MSM Helping The Narrative

"The "Bombs" Were Lethal."
"Suspect Apparently, Drops A "Lethal Bomb" In One Of Those Bushes."

But... They Don't Show That.
Also, My Video Shows Him Sitting On The Other Bench?

Video 3

Walking Toward Park Bench

As The Video Opens It Looks Like The Suspect Stops, Goes Up
On His Toes, And Looks Across The Street While Looking Up.

Then He Places His Backpack Against Wall, Puts On Glasses
Again Goes Up On Toes, Looking Across The Street.

He Hides His Face From The Person Going By,

Then, Turns Around And Heads Back In The Direction He Came From.

I Tried To Find That Sections Of Houses On Google Maps,
Get A Street View So I Could See What He Wanted To See
Across The Street But I Found Out... Washington DC
It Seems, Isn't Allowed Street Views In Google Maps.

Yet Later On, You'll See The Full Video Of Him
Supposedly All Finished Laying The "Lethal Bombs",
Waving To A Passing Police Car.

Video 4

Park Bench In Front Of DNC

This Video Shows Him Sitting On A Bench Looking At His Phone.
I Don't See Him Take Anything Out Of His Back Pack.
Which Is Interesting Because.. The "Lethal Bomb" Was Found 17 Hours Later
Under The OTHER Park Bench. The "Lethal Bomb" Was Placed Under The Bench
With The Bush Next To It. The Double Back Video Would Have Shown That.

Video 5

Pipe Bomb "Discovered"

This Is The Latest Video. It Shows A Back Pack Person (I Believe To Be A Cop)
Telling The Police That He Found A "Lethal Bomb" Under The Bench.

Notice That The "Lethal Bomb" Is Under The OTHER Bench With The Bush.
Not Where The Suspect Sat In The Video.
Carmella Harris
Is In The Building, That Is Why The Two Cop Cars Are There.
We Get No Video
Of The Back Pack Guy Finding The "Lethal Bomb"

Person Walks Across The Street Past "Lethal Bomb."

Kids Walk Across The Street Past "Lethal Bomb."

Cops Sit In Car.. Then Walk Over And Take A Picture Of "Lethal Bomb."

Questions?.... Many

Newsweek Has A "Timeline" That Says The "Lethal Bomb" Was Reported At
12:49 PM At The RNC. - Before The DNC "Lethal Bomb" Was Discovered.

Newsweek - Link

This Video Starts At 1:05 PM. So The DNC Police, Guarding Harris At The DNC Building, Knew For 15 Minutes That A "Lethal Bomb" Was Found At The RNC. 

At 1:05:36 - Backpack Guy Tells DNC Police He's Seen A "Bomb" Under Bench.

1:06:31 PM - Backpack Guy, Who Found Bomb, Walks Back Toward The Bench.

5 People So Far, Including Back Pack Guy,
Have Been Allowed To Walk Past The "Lethal Bomb."

1:07:04 PM - Police Car, Lights On, Heading Toward RNC?

1:08:13 PM - 2 Plainclothes And A Police Officer. One Plainclothes,
Goes Towards The Back, The Other To His Car.
The Police Officer Heads Toward The Bench

1:08:41 PM - DC Police Car Goes By.
1:09:18 PM - Blurry Close Up Of "Lethal Bomb"

5 More People Have Been Allowed To Walk Past The "Lethal Bomb."

1:09:40 PM - 6 Plainclothes Around Unmarked Car.

1:09:50 PM - 1 Plainclothes, 2 Adults, 2 Children, Allowed
 To Walk Past "Lethal Bomb."

1:10:09 PM - Plainclothes Returns With Two Police Officers

1:10:15 PM - Police Officer Takes One Picture Of "Lethal Bomb."
Gives Thumbs Up Before Walking Off.

1:10:55 PM - Police Car Pulls Up, Lights On, In Front Of "Lethal Bomb."

1:11:21 PM - Police Car Now Pulls Out, No Lights On. Two Officers Point
In Direction Of The "Lethal Bomb."

1:11:30 PM - They Start To Set Up To Avert Traffic

1:12:00 PM - Video Ends

1:13 PM - Trump Finishes Speaking.

1:26 PM - Capitol Police Order Evacuations Of Library Of Congress,
Madison Building And Cannon House Office Building.

12:49 PM RNC "Lethal Bomb" Found.
37 Minutes Later, An Evacuation Is Ordered?

Pipe Bomb "Discovered"

Knowing The Timeline Seems Important.. Here's That Video Again

Key Points - They Already Know A Bomb Was Found At RNC
And They Allow 10 People To Walk Pass Their "Bomb."


Video 6

Walks Around The Corner Of The RNC
Pulls Something From His Pocket.

"Pipe Bomb" Found At 12:49 PM


Video 7

All Done Placing "Lethal Bombs."

Keeping In Mind How He Hid His Face From The
Person Walking By In Video # 2.
In This Video He Actually Waves To A Police Car.

So, He's Placing "Lethal Bombs" But Waves
To The Police, Like He Knows Them?


The J6 Set Up

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