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  I've Always Wondered Why People Actually Believed A Plane Hit The Pentagon. If One Did,  All It  Would Take Is A Video, Of Which There Are Many, To Show Us
The Truth. But It Doesn't Come Down To Pictures, Videos Or Proof.
It Comes Down To The Victims.

 If You Believe The Plane Did NOT Hit The Pentagon, You Have To Believe Our Govt. Did Something To The Victims. Almost All Were Military Family Members. That Is A Hard Pill To Swallow. Even For The Patriots Who Believe 911 Was A Set Up. However, We Send People To War And To Their Deaths All The Time To Achieve Goals. Is It Really That Far Fetched?

The Pentagon Attack Is Probably The One With The Most Evidence Of An Inside
Job. No Engines, Tail Section, Wings, Seats, Or Luggage Were Ever Found.

They Say, The Plane Came In At An Angle, No Trace Of Hitting Ground.
Fact Is, The Holes Inside The Pentagon Were Not At An Angle,
But Straight Through. The Only Thing Correct About This Photo
Is The Entrance Point.

Wouldn't The Wings, Tail, Engines, And Landing Gear Be Found?
Not To Mention Seats, Large Pieces? All Once Again Disintegrate ?

Came In At An Angel They Said. You'll See It Come In Straight
However, Whats Important Here Is The Picture. No Plane Parts,
No Giant Hole. I Have Enlarged Them So You Can See The Lack
Of Damage To The Outside Of The Building.

The Building.

There Is A Round Hole - No Wheel Drag Marks On The Grass,
No Scattered Plane Parts

Before The Secondary Explosions

Where The "Plane" Went In

This Picture Is The Inside Wall. Perfect Circle

Their Are Several Pentagon Employees Who Heard
Secondary Explosions. Rigged Beforehand.

5 Light Poles Hit But Plane Stayed The Course?

Wings Don't Fair Well When Hitting Light Poles

National Security Alert

Lloyde England Says A Light Pole Hit His Cab

  Their "Plane" Comes In Straight Ahead, Not At An Angle. That's
Pretty Obvious. According To The Report, The "Plane" Hit 5 Poles On
 It's Approach From The RIGHT.

 The Pentagon, At The Time, Was Being Worked On. Using The Cable Wheels
As A Guide We Can See Just Where The Impact Was.  Remember, They Said
The "Plane" Came In At An Angle. Seems To Me The Damage To The Ground Would Be More.

The Picture They Allowed Us To See

Here Are Two Pictures I Got From The Files I Downloaded. Probably Wasn't Suppose To See These. As We Can See The "Plane" Didn't Take Out The Windows With The Tail, It Seemed To Slide Under The Windows. The Wings And Engines Also Slid In.

The Hole Is Only Two Windows Wide.

And As "Luck" Would Have It, The Building Collapses Which Helps The Narrative. Just A Reminder, Came In From The Right, But The Fence Remained?

News Shown Only Once

Lets Talk About The "Plane" Parts Found

Notice The Wall Of The Building In The Top Left Photo. No Debris.
Remember The Enlarged Pictures Above. Same Wall.

Notice The Wall Of The Building In The Top Photo.
No Debris On The Grass
Or Near The Wall.

Near The Wall.

Again, No Plane Parts Against Building



We Had To Wait Until The FBI Placed It There.

911 - Was The Pentagon Hit By A Cruise Missile?

Cruise Missile Made To Look Like AA Plane

No Plane - Pentagon Deaths

64 Passengers. If There Was No Plane
Where Did These People Go?

One Hour
This Video Has The Best Review Of The Pentagon Evidence.


Osama Bin Ladin

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