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Ever Wonder Why There Seems To Be All Sorts Of "Hearings" But No One Is
Ever Held Accountable? MTG And The Republicans Tell Us They Can Now Make
Committees To "Go After People" For Jan 6th And Other Wrongs, But You Should
Know, They Cannot Go After Anyone Who Is A Politician. Nancy Pelosi Used
Sovereign Immunity For Her Role In The Jan 6th Issues That She Helped Create.
No One Can Bring Charges Against Her For Refusing The Guards That Day. And
MSM Sure Isn't Going To Tell You She Is Using Sovereign Immunity To Keep Her
Story Quiet. The Fake Committee Went After Bannon, Who Is Not A Politician.
They Went After Trump's Family As Well. Trump Was Subpoenaed. He Didn't
Bother With It. He Also Enjoys The Same Privilege.

If MTG Holds Her Hearings, Don't Expect Much From Witnesses Who Hold
Office. If They Do Show Up, They Will Probably Take The 5th. However, Some Of
The People I Expect To Be Subpoenaed Could Be Ray Epps, DC Police, News
Reporters, Ashley's Killer, Michael Leroy Bird, And John Sullivan To Name A Few.
Of Course Fake News Probably Won't Broadcast These Hearings.

Lets Take A Look At ALL The Immunity's People Enjoy. There Is Long A List.

.Legal Immunity - the concept of a person or entity being immune from legal
 liability due to special status

. Absolute Immunity - a type of immunity for government officials that confers
  total immunity when acting in the course of their duties.

. Amnesty Law - a law that provides amnesty for past crimes

. Charitable Immunity - immunity from liability granted to charities in many
  countries from the 19th century to the mid 20th century.

. Diplomatic Immunity - agreement between of sovereign governments to
  exclude diplomats
from local laws

. Immunity From Prosecution (International Law) - exclusion of governments or
  their offices from
prosecution under international law

. Judicial Immunity - immunity of a judge or magistrate in the course of their
  official duties

. Parliamentary Immunity - immunity granted to elected officials during their
  tenure and in the
course of their duties

. Qualified Immunity - in the United States, immunity of individuals performing
  tasks as part of
the government's actions

. Sovereign Immunity - the prevention of lawsuits or prosecution against rulers
  of governments
without their given consent

. Sovereign Immunity In The United States - the legal privilege by which the
  American federal,
state, and tribal governments cannot be sued

. Spousal Immunity - also called spousal immunity, protects a spouse from
  testifying against
the defendant

. State Immunity - principle of international law that the government of a state
  is not amenable
before the courts of another state

. Witness Immunity - immunity granted to a witness in exchange for testimony

I Need To Look Into That Charitable Immunity One. Clinton Foundation Comes To Mind. But For
Now, We'll Take A Look At The Two Immunity's That Seems To Be Protecting The Swamp

Absolute Immunity - a type of immunity for government officials that confers total immunity when acting in the course of their duties.

Qualified Immunity - in the United States, immunity of individuals performing tasks as part of the government's actions

Absolute And Qualified Immunity

Absolute Immunity Explained

In The United States law, state, federal and tribal governments generally enjoy immunity from lawsuits. Local governments typically enjoy immunity from some forms of suit, particularly in tort

In the US, sovereign immunity falls into two categories

Absolute Immunity - pursuant to which a government actor may not be sued for the allegedly wrongful act, even if that person acted maliciously or in bad faith. and:

Qualified Immunity -  pursuant to which a government actor is shielded from liability only in specific conditions are met, as specified in statute or case law.

In some situations, sovereign immunity may have been waived by law.

Federal Sovereign Immunity

The federal government of the United States has sovereign immunity and may not be sued anywhere in the United States unless it has waived its immunity or consented to suit. The United States has waived sovereign immunity to a limited extent, mainly through the Federal Tort Claims Act, which waives the immunity if a tortious act of a federal employee causes damage, and the Tucker Act, which waives the immunity over claims arising out of contracts to which the federal government is a party.The United States as a sovereign is immune from suit unless it unequivocally consents to being sued.The United States Supreme Court in Price v. United States observed: "It is an axiom of our jurisprudence. The government is not liable to suit unless it consents thereto, and its liability in suit cannot be extended beyond the plain language of the statute authorizing it." Price v. United States, 174 U.S. 373, 375-76 (1899) Interesting That This Was The Only Video I Could Find On This Subject.

State Sovereign Immunity

Hans v. Louisiana (1890), the Supreme Court of the United States held that the Eleventh Amendment (1795) re-affirms that states possess sovereign immunity and are therefore generally immune from being sued in federal court without their consent. In later cases, the Supreme Court has strengthened state sovereign immunity considerably. In Blatchford v. Native Village of Noatak (1991), the court explained that:

we have understood the Eleventh Amendment to stand not so much for what it says, but for the presupposition of our constitutional structure which it confirms: that the States entered the federal system with their sovereignty intact; that the judicial authority in Article III is limited by this sovereignty, and that a State will therefore not be subject to suit in federal court unless it has consented to suit, either expressly or in the "plan of the convention". [Citations omitted.]

Additionally, Congress can abrogate state sovereign immunity when it acts pursuant to powers delegated to it by any amendments ratified after the Eleventh Amendment. The abrogation doctrine, established by the Supreme Court in Fitzpatrick v. Bitzer (1976), is most often implicated in cases that involve Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which explicitly allows Congress to enforce its guarantees on the states.

Legal Dictionary - Sovereign Immunity - LINK


Qualified Immunity Explained

What Is Qualified Immunity And How May Lawmakers Change It?

And Because We All Know How They Hide Their Money Charitable Immunity

Charitable Immunity

Diplomatic Immunity

Presidential Immunity

 Although the U.S. president is sued daily in his governmental capacity, he normally is not sued in his personal capacity as being personally liable. In 1982, the Supreme Court held in Nixon v. Fitzgerald that the president enjoys absolute immunity from civil litigation for official acts undertaken while he or she is president. The Court suggested that this immunity was broad (though not limitless), applying to acts within the "outer perimeter" of the president's official duties.Fifteen years after Fitzgerald, the Supreme Court held in Clinton v. Jones that the president does not possess absolute immunity from civil litigation surrounding acts he carried out that were not part of his official duties (which is often incorrectly presented as referring only to acts carried out before becoming president). The 2020 Supreme Court decision in Trump v. Vance held that the president is subject to subpoenas in criminal prosecutions for personal conduct with the same legal threshold as anyone else.

Immunity From Prosecution

Can I Be Forced To Testify Against My Spouse?


Immunity For The Vatican On Sexual Abuse Cases

Crimes Against Humanity

Sexual Offenses Against Children - Criminal Law


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