All From The Drop On
In No Position To Say If The Below
Document Is True Or False.
I will add, the people who took over
George Magazine gave me the
impression they didn't like JFK Jr's
articles he published and many
took place. Now I don't know how
true that all is but.. I do know
that the people who took over after
his death said JFK Jr.
didn't like Trump
and would never put him in their
Magazine. That statement was false.
Trump was in the magazine, here is a
picture of both
Trump & JFK
Jr. below. But that's not the
clincher. JFK Jr. wrote to Trump a
week before he died. He had heard
Trump's father had passed
away and sent a
personal letter to Trump. A personal
letter? That doesn't sound like JFK.
Jr. didn't like Trump. Why would
they say he did?