What Can you say good about Hunter Biden? Well, not much. He uses his criminal experience to make himself rich and look important, He also
helps keep the family in money but that always comes with a price it seems. Hunter has a drug problem and that is well known. What you may
not know. is that Hunter Biden also has a sexual problem. Seems his days are filled with drug use, hookers, sexual videos and of course, crack,
his drug of choice. But what makes Hunter Biden an all around pervert? Who date's his dead brother's widow and gets her hooked on drugs,
then proceeds to help himself to her 13 year old daughter? Hunter Biden did.
Please Use Caution On This Page. A Lot Of The Pictures Are Blured, But It Doesn't Take A Rocket Scientist To Figure Out What Your Looking At.
Hunter Biden Accused Ex-Wife Of Drinking Wing, Smoking Pot At Camp David - LINK
Hunter Biden's Ex Kathleen Calls Him Sicko, Claims He Had Affair With His Brother's Wife Before He Died - LINK
$85.00 Is All It Would Have Taken For Us To Never Know.
Now He Is Saying His Laptop May Be a Russian Plant? Here's Is His Signature On The Receipt When He Dropped It Off.
Here Are His Passport Signatures Below.
Smoking Crack While Driving
Human Trafficking In Finger Lakes "It's Real And It's Here" - Link
Caught Smuggling In A Stripper At The House Of Sweden Building In Washington D.C.
This Incident Was AFTER His Laptop Was Discovered And Uploaded. Must Be Nice To Have No Worries About His Sex Issues.